17 Aug

Forty-Ninth ISOC India Mumbai Women in Technology Leadership VII(WITL) Event: Reimagining Digital Identity

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Kaliya Young, widely known as the "Identity Woman," is a leading expert in digital identity, with a strong focus on user-centric and decentralized identity systems. [...]
10 Aug

Forty-Eighth ISOC India Mumbai Event- Digital India: Enhancing Governance or Expanding Surveillance

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The recent collaboration between the Internet Society India Mumbai and OP Jindal Global University featured an insightful talk by Mr. Apar Gupta, a distinguished lawyer, [...]
25 Jun

Heterotopia fourth edition on Travel Tech

12:00 am
25 May

Forty-Seventh ISOC India Mumbai Event: Internet Governance Praxis Series- Introduction to Internet Governance

10:30 am - 11:30 am
The offline event provided students, monks, and nuns at the Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Ladakh an understanding of Internet Governance in India, empowering the [...]
02 Mar

Forty-Sixth ISOC India Mumbai Event: Changing the Face of Travel- Role of the Internet

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Report of the event is included in the Report section of Fourth volume of our newsletter Heterotopia on the theme of Travel Tech.


14 Oct

Forty-Third ISOC India Mumbai Event: Budding Polymath

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Budding Polymath 4
09 Jul

Forty-Second ISOC India Mumbai Event: Safeguard Your Online Presence

11:00 am
ISOC Safeguard Your Online Presence  
30 May

Heterotopia third edition on Health and Wellness Tech

12:00 am
Heterotopia Edition on Health and Wellness Tech 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6

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