19 Mar

Forty-First ISOC India Mumbai Chapter Event: Women in Technology Leadership VI(WITL) Event- The future of well-being: Role of the Internet

10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Report of the event is included in the Report section of Third volume of our newsletter Heterotopia on the theme of Health and Wellness [...]


13 Nov

Thirty-Nineth ISOC India Mumbai Event: Budding Polymath 3

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Budding Polymath November 2022 Report
31 Aug

Heterotopia Edition on Education Technology

12:00 am
Heterotopia_EdTech Edition
30 Apr

Thirty-Eight ISOC India Mumbai Women In Technology Leadership(WITL) V Event: Protecting Children Online

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
WITL V_Protecting Children Online_Report
05 Mar
25 Jan

Heterotopia Publication on Fintech

12:00 am
Heterotopia_Fintech_ISOC India Mumbai_P    


10 Jul

Managing Organisational Change in Digital Era- WITL Speaker Series IV

9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Managing Organisational Change in Digital Era-Women in Technology Leadership Speaker Series IV REPORT
25 Jun

Community Networks: 'For the Community, by the Community'

12:00 am
While the Internet continues to serve as a Lifeline during this pandemic, half of the world still has no access to it, leave alone reaping the social and economic benefits of the Internet. This is due to various challenges such as remote locations, low population density, spectrum allocation practices, lower incomes, lack of technical skills, etc. One way to close the connectivity gap is through the connectivity projects that are built, managed, and used by local communities. Such projects are called Community Networks.
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