10 Jul

Managing Organisational Change in Digital Era- WITL Speaker Series IV

9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Managing Organisational Change in Digital Era-Women in Technology Leadership Speaker Series IV REPORT
25 Jun

Community Networks: 'For the Community, by the Community'

12:00 am
While the Internet continues to serve as a Lifeline during this pandemic, half of the world still has no access to it, leave alone reaping the social and economic benefits of the Internet. This is due to various challenges such as remote locations, low population density, spectrum allocation practices, lower incomes, lack of technical skills, etc. One way to close the connectivity gap is through the connectivity projects that are built, managed, and used by local communities. Such projects are called Community Networks.
10 May

inSIG2020 Journal: A Host's Perspective

12:00 am
inSIG2020 Journal: A Host's Perspective is ISOC India Mumbai chapter's perspective on organising a virtual event. As the host chapter of India School on Internet Governance (inSIG2020) when inSIG went virtual for the first time, this is the chapter' attempt on knowledge sharing on what all goes through in organising a virtual SIG especially in the covid times with no precedence in place.
13 Feb

Thirty- Second ISOC India Mumbai Event: A Webinar on MANRS: An Introduction

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
MANRS is a global initiative that provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats. The aim of the webinar is to introduce people to the principles of MANRS
16 Jan

Third ISOC India Mumbai Women in Technology Leadership (WITL) Webinar: Learning and Thriving in the Digital Age

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Women in Technology LeadershipSeries Report


12 Sep

The Twenty-Ninth ISOC India Mumbai Event: The Budding Polymath: An online intra-chapter event

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The Twenty Ninth ISOC India Mumbai Event_ The Budding Polymath
05 Jun

The Twenty Seventh ISOC India Mumbai Event : Chapter Initiative on Shaping the Internet - "Blog and Real time analysis on privacy and surveillance of Covid-19 related mobile app"

4:00 pm
Shaping the Internet - Blog and Real time analysis on privacy and surveillance of Covid-19 related mobile app
29 May

The Twenty-Fifth ISOC India Mumbai Event: Chapter Initiative on Building Community Networks - "Pink - The colour of my Internet" blog

10:30 am
The Twenty Fourth ISOC India Mumbai Event Chapter Initiative on Building Community Networks – “Pink – The colour of my Internet” blog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE4QJhy2E5o&t=119s
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